
What is the best candy on the market in 2021?

Author: Elizabeth Jennings

Date: 01/11/2021

I know that I certianly have a lot of opinions on this topic. In fact, I really am only going to use this space to talk about what candies I prefer out of all the other options. The candies that I am going to include is going to be chocolate, gummies, hard candies, and all those in-betweens. I feel that it is a very important topic to talk about what suger hits different and why. Sometimes I want a certain type of candy depending on what type of day I have had. I hope you enjoy my thoughts and the delecious looking candy images.

Down below you will see the name of the candy that has made it to my favorite list and why it deserves to be there.
Candies Reasons Owners
1. AirHeads Xtremes
  • It doesn't matter what type of mood I am in. I can always eat an entire pack of these amazing treats.
  • I have many siblings and any time I got a pack of these it was always fine with me to share because I had plenty for me and my savage siblings.
  • I think the reason on why this candy in particular is my favorite is because it is also my brother's favorite as well. My brother and I are very close so when I am eating this candy it reminds me about the good times him and I shared adventuring with our trusty pack of this candy as our rations.
The owner that owns AirHeads Xtremes is Perfetti Van Melle.
2. Black Forest Gummy Worms
  • This is another home run hitter of the candy world. For some reason gummy worms are so good to me. Typically I like to eat them on rainy or stormy days for some reason. Either way they always brighten up my day
  • The dentist are not too happy about me eating gummy worms but they have such a soft and chewy texture that I love.
  • Another reason on why I like them so much is that they have been a favorite of mine since I was a kid. Now this candy is a bit nostalgic for me and that makes them all the better.
The Ferrara Candy Company owns the Black Forest Gummy Worms.
3. 3 Musketeers
  • I am not a very big fan of chocolate. Actually, I am typically disgusted by it. However, I enjoy this chocolate bar a lot. If anything it is one of the only chocolate bars I will eat.
  • I am typically the person who likes to stand out from the crowd. I haven't met many people who really enjoy this chocolate bar like I do. So I think that this has stayed a long time favorite for that reason.
  • If we are thinking logically, who wouldn't like a chocholate bar with a soft, chewy, rich middle? It's the perfect combination.
The proud owners of this chocolate bar is Mars, Incorporated.
2. York Minis
  • I am an avid user of gum so the minty tasting of this candy is one reason on why I love it.
  • This candy isn't one that I would consume all the time which is why it is lower on the list. I still do enjoy it when I am in my sophisticated moods.
  • This is another great combination. You get dark chocolate crunch with a minty goodness hidden inside. I really like the texture of the mint isnide of it. It is a bit chewy and I think that is why I like it so much.
The owners of the York Minis is actually the Hershey Company, which isn't too surprising.