
Jellyfish Facts and Images

Author: Elizabeth Jennings

Date: 01/11/2021

Welcome to a beautiful page fiiled with images of jellyfish and fun facts about them. If you can't tell jellyfish are my favorite animals. For the first fun fact about jellyfish, a school of them is called a smack. I hope you enjoy this page as much as I do. If you don't well it doesn't hurt to learn something new.

Neon Blue Moon Jellies
1. Moon Jellies or Aurelia Aurita

Moon jellyfish are by far my favorite jellyfish species besdes the Lion's Mane jellyfish that are yet to come. The fun fact for the moon jellies is that these beautiful creatures live without brains, lungs, hearts, blood, eyes, or even ears. How crazy is that! It would be insane to be a moon jelly fish. I guess it would be a simple life living with only a mouth, some muscles, a digestive system, and a type of nervous system.

Lion's Mane Jellyfish
2. Lion's Mane Jellyfish or Cyanea Capillata

The Lion's Mane jellies are truly an amazing species of jellyfish. In fact, they are the biggest species of jellyfish. The biggest lion's mane jellyfish on record was found washed up in the Massachusetts Bay in 1870 with a bell that was approximately 7 feet in diameter. I wonder if there are any Lion's Mane jellyfish that are bigger and they're just hidden floating in the depths of the ocean. I guess we will never know until one shows up on shore somewhere.

Pacific Sea Nettle
" Sea Nettle " by web_guy94301 on Flickr is licensed under CC-BY 2.0.
3. Pacific Sea Nettle or Chrysaora Fuscescens

The Pacific Sea Nettle is another very beautiful species of jellyfish. These jellyfish, like most other species of jellies, are carnivorous. The Pacific Sea Nettle is known to eat anything that is easily caught. That can include zooplankton, larval fishes, crustaceans, eggs, and on occasion other jellyfish. I wouldn't have taken them to be meat eaters. If I was a jellyfish I would try to keep an eye out for the Sea Nettle jellies. With that said, it might be hard to do that due to the fact that jellyfish don't really have eyes.