
How do I Embed a Video?

Author: Elizabeth Jennings

Date: 01/15/2021

Well you are in luck if you are trying to learn how to embed a video into a website. I will be giving you a step by step walk through.

The first thing is that there are different ways to embed a video onto your web page. One thing you could do is simply use iframe and use a YouTube video link to make a video pop up. Check out the image down below for a visual walkthrough of how I made the Muppets video appear.

Code Image

Down below is the output of the code.

Now the other and more ways to embed a video. I am going to show you an example of the way I like to embed videos down below and the outputs they have. In my opinon I prefer to use the iframe tag because I typically work with YouTube videos and it is an easy way to embed my videos.

Step One: Finding the video

Research Image

Step Two: Click the video and follow it to its source

Second Step

Step Thre: Look for a share option

Third Step

Step Four: Click share option and search for an embed code button

Third Step

Step Five: Copy and Paste

Third Step

Down below is the output of the code with an image of what my code looks like.

Third Step